
Lecture Note/[DB] Database Theory

Database Systems

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1. What is database?


  • Database
    • Organized collection of inter-related data that models some aspect of the real-world.
    • Databases are one of the core components of most computer applications
  • Database Examples
    • Universities: Registration, grades
    • Financial market
      • credit card transactions
      • Sales and purchases information of stocks and bonds
      • Real-time market data
    • Enterprise information
      • Sales: customer products, purchases
      • Accounting: payments, receipts, assets
      • Human resources: employee profile, salaries, taxes

File System

In the early data, database applications were built directly on top of file systems:

  • Data redundancy and inconsistency
    • Data is stored in multiple file formats and locations
    • → Resulting induplication of information
  • Difficulty in accessing data
    • Need to write a new program to carry out each new task
  • Data isolation
    • Meaning: a property that determines when and how changes made by one operation become visible to others
    • Cannot be controlled with files
  • Integrity problems
    • Integrity constraints (ex. account balance ≥ 0) become "buried: in program code, rather than being stated explicitly
  • Concurrency problems
    • Uncontrolled concurrent accesses can lead to inconsistencies
  • Security problems
    • Hard to provide a fine-grained user access control

→ Database systems offer solutions to all the above problems

Brief history

  • ~early 1960s:
    • Data processing using magnetic tapes for storage
      • Tapes provided only sequential access
    • Punched cards for input
    • System 360(IBM), Random Acess, Sequential Access
  • Late 1960s~ and 1970s
    • Hard disks allowed direct access to data
    • Network and hierarchical data models in use
    • Ted Codd defined the relational data model
      • The work won the ACM Turing Awards (1981)
      • IBM Research began System R prototype
      • UC Berkeley (Michael Stonebraker) began Ingres prototype
      • Oracle released first commercial relational database
  • 1980s
    • Research relational prototypes evlove into commercial systems
      • SQL becomes industrial standard
    • Parallel and distributed database systems
      • Wisconsin, IBM, Teradata
    • Object-oriented database system
  • 1990s
    • Large decision support and data-mining application
    • Large multi-terabyte data warehouse
    • Emergence of Web commerce
  • 2000s
    • Big data storage systems:Google BigTable, Yahoo PNuts, Amazon, NoAQL systems
    • Big data analysis: beyond SQL
      • Map reduce
  • 2010s
    • SQL reloaded
      • SQL front-end to Map Reduce systems
      • Massively parallel database systems
      • Multi-code main-memory database

Relational Data

(↔OODB; object-oriented database system)

Database Systems

  • Databasse
    • Organized collection of inter-related data that models some aspect of the real-world(A.pavlo)
      • Things related are laid together (c.f. files are not like this)
    • Database system: Informal definition
      • magnetic tapes(storage)
      • Storages; random access, hard disk drives, spinning
      • File system; magnetic data
      • Data; paper, pdf. .
      • Flat file strawman
        • Store a database as comma-separated value(csv) files
        • Manage the CSV files using our own code
          • Use a separate file per entity
          • The applications has to parse the CSV files each time they want to read or update records
        → Issue: data integrity→ Issue: implementationHow to write a new application that uses the same data?What if the machine crashes while file writing?
      • → Issue: durability
      • How to find a particular record?
      • How to examine the validity of the values?
    • Database management system (DBMS)
      • Software that allows applications to store and analyze information in a database
        • Access data without worrying about the file I/O-level details
      • A general-purpose DBMS is designed to allow the definition, creation, querying update, and administration of databases
    • DBMS as a data storage
      • Data abstraction to avoid low-level implementation and maintenance chores
        • Store database in simple data structures
        • Access data through high-level language
      • Database abstraction does not include:
        • How to implement the storage, relations, ...
        • Clear separation between logical vs. physical layers
    • DBMS as interface
      • Data definition language (DDL)
      • Data manipulation language (DML)
      → Structured query language (SQL) includes both DDL and DML

Data Model

  • Data model: data 혹은 information을 설명하는 notion
    • 세 가지 부분을 가짐; structure, operations, constraints
  • ex.
    • Relational data model : 대부분의 DBMS (이번 학기 배울 대부분의 내용)
    • NoSQL
      • key/value pair
        • hash table의 관점. 모든 데이터는 key값을 가진다고 가정한다.
      • gragh
      • document
        • mongoDB(jSON)
      • Column-family
    • Machine learning
      • Array/matrix
    • Misc.: hierarchical, network
      • 서로 다른 data model의 유형들

Relational Data model

  • relational data model: relation의 관점에서 설명된 데이터로 설명된 data model
  • Relation
    • 정렬되지 않은 집합.
      • entity를 표시하는 attribute의 관계를 포함한다.


  • Attribute(Column)
    • atomic해야 한다. (indivisible data type) → data type: int, float, char, string
      • string is an atomic datatype in 대부분의 디비 시스템
  • Tuple(row)
    • attribute value들의 집합.(=domain in the relation)
    • 각각의 튜플은 각각의 attribute에 대해 하나의 값을 가진다.
    • value는 보통 atomic/scalar
    • domain; the set of allowed values for each attrribute
    • Null; 모든 도메인의 멤버, 알수 없다는 것을 지칭(missing/ not available)
      • null values는 많은 operation 에서 complications을 유발한다.
        • n-ary relation = table with n colums
        • attributes = columns = features
        • tuples = rows = records = data instance = data point
      • ex. a Relation
  • Relation은 unordered이다.
    • Order of tuples는 상관없다.
    • 순서가 달라도 같은 table이다.


  • Using a table
  • Using a set notation
    • structure: instructor(ID, name, dept_name, salary)
    • Tuples: (76766, Crick, Biology, 72000.00),
      • 이런식으로 tuple안에 attribute를 집어넣는다. 순서는 중요하지 않다.
  • 수학적으로, set은 순서나 중복을 허용하지 않는다.
  • 하지만 tuple안에서는 순서가 중요하다.


  • constraints의 한 가지 유형
  • 하나 혹은 더 많은 attribute이 key를 형성한다.
  • A key for a relation → key attributes의 같은 값에 대해서 중복을 허용하지 않는다.
  • Definition
    • k가 R에 속한다고 하자.
    • 만약, K의 값이 각각의 가능한 relation r에 대해서 고유한 tuple을 식별하는 데에 충분하다면
      • K 는 R의 super key이다.
    • superkey는 k가 최소일 때 candidate key이다. (유일성만 만족하면 super key)
    • candidate key중 하나가 primary key로 선택된다.


  • Super key; 테이블에서 각 행을 유일하게 식별할 수 있는 하나 또는 그 이상의 속성들의 집합
    • 유일성만 만족한다.
  • Candidate key; 각 행을 유일하게 식별할 수 있는 최소한의 속성들의 집합
    • 유일성과 최소성을 만족한다.
  • Primary key; 후보키들 중에서 하나를 선택한 키로 최소성과 유일성을 만족하는 속성
    • 오직 1개, null 혹은 중복값 없음.
  • Alternative key; 후보키들 중에서 하나를 선택한 키로 최소성과 유일성을 만족하는 속성
  • Foreign Key; 테이블이 다른 테이블의 데이터를 참조하여 테이블간의 관계를 연결하는 것
    • 참조될 열의 값은 참조될 테이블에서 기본키(Primary Key)로 설정
    • 다른 테이블의 데이터를 참조할 때 없는 값을 참조할 수 없도록 제약을 주는 것
    • referencing data → referenced relation

Data Language

  • DDL; data definition language
    • represent relations
  • DML; data manipulation language
    • store and retrieve information
    • relational algebra에 기초한다.
  • cf. non-procedural DML
    • data를 찾는 방법에 대한 것이 아니라 what data is wanted
    • relational calculus에 근거. → query optimization

Database Schema

  • Database: relation의 모음.
  • Database schema: database의 논리적 구조
  • Database instance: 특정한 순간에 database안에 있는 data를 snapshot하는 것.
    • Relation instance: 특정한 순간에 attribute과 tuple 에 대한 정보의 모임
  • → 특정한 순간에 데이터 베이스에 저장되어 있는 정보의 모임. (시간적인 개념)

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