DML2 Structured Query Language SQL data manipulation language (DML) SELECT, FROM, WHERE NULL values Set operations String operations, ordering Aggregate functions, aggregation → querying && modifying the databases Aggregate Functions - Having Clause groups뒤에 오는 HAVING과 groups 앞에 있는 HAVING이 다름. 두 개는 다른 쿼리이다. 왼쪽에 있는 것은 GROUP BY 를 한 instructor중에서 65000이 넘는 교수 오른쪽은 65000이 넘는 instructor를 찾아서 평균을 낸 것. 따라서 더 높음. More SQL Nested subq.. 2023. 10. 27. Handshaking with an R-DBMS Introduction to MySQL MySQK is an SQL-based relational database management system(DBMS) Free and open-source Owned by Oracle Commercial version of MySQL Compatible with standard SQL Frequently used for commercial web services Why Mysql? Popular active discussion all over the Internet Versatile runs on Linux, Windows, MacOS, Solaris, FreeBSD Cost starts from zero High performance(fast and reliabl.. 2023. 10. 27. 이전 1 다음