
Lecture Note/[DB] Database Theory

E-R model

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Designing a database

→ 전체적인 디자인 과정을 이해해보자.

(교과서 읽으세염...)

  • Initial phase
    • characterize fully the data needs of the prospective database users
  • Second phase
    • choose a data model
      • Apply the concepts of the chosen data model
      • Translate the requirements into a conceptual schema of the database
      • A fully developed conceptual schema indicated the functional requirements of the enterprise
        • Describe the kinds of operations (or transactions) that will be performed on the data
      c.f NoSQL
      • Not Only SQL
  • Final Phase
    • Move from an abstract data model to the implementation of the database
      • Logical Design
        • Deciding on the database schema
          • Database design requires that we find a "good" collection of relation schemas
          • Business decision
            • What attributes should we record in the database?
          • Computer Science decision
            • What relation schemas should we have and how should the attributes be distributes among the various relation schemas?
      • Physical Design
        • Deciding on the physical layout of the database

Design Phases

  • In designing a database schema, we must ensure that we avoid two major pitfalls(위험)
    • a bad design may result in repeated information
    • a bad design may make certain aspects of the enterprise difficult or impossible to model
    • 실행하는 데 불가능한 모델도 존재함
  • Redundancy
  • Avoiding bad designs is not enough → good design!!!!

Design Approaches

Entity Relationship Model

  • Models an enterprise as a collection of entities and relationships
    • Entity; a "thing" or "object" in the enterprise that is distinguishable from other objects
      • Described by a set of attributes
  • Represented diagrammatically by an entity-relationship diagram (E-R diagram)

Normalization Theory

  • Formalize what designs are bad, and test for them

E-R diagrams

  • Mapping cardinalites
  • Primary keys in E-R models
  • Weak Entity sets
  • Reduction to relation schemass

E-R Models for Database Modeling

  • The E-R data model was developed to facilitate database design by allowing specification of a database schema
    • Database Schema represents the overall logical structure of a database
  • The E-R data model employs three basic concepts
    • Entity sets
    • Relationship sets
    • Attributes
  • The E-R model has an associated diagrammatic representation
    • E-R diagram can express the overall logical structure of a database graphically

Entity Sets

  • Entity
    • an objects
    • exits and is distinguishable from other objects
      • e.g., specific person. company, event, plant
  • Entity set
    • a set of entities of the same type
    • share the same properties
      • e.g, set of all persons, companies, trees, holidays
  • A subset of the attributes form a PK of the ES
    • i.e, uniquely identifying each member of the set

Representing Entity Sets in E-R Diagrams

  • Entity sets can be represented graphically as follows
    • Rectangles represent entity sets
    • Attributes listed inside entity rectangle
    • Underline indicated PK attributes

Relationship Sets

  • Relationship
    • an association among several entities

  • Relationship Set
    • a mathematical relation among n≥2 entities
    • each taken from entity setsrelationship set

Example: Entity and Relationship Sets

Diamonds represent relationship sets

Attribute can also be associated with relationship set

An attribute can also be associated with a relationship set

Cardinality VS. relationship

  • 완전 다름
  • entity set 3개가 relationship에 참여함.


  • Entity sets of a relationship need not be distinct
    • Each occurrence of an entity set plays a role in the relationship
    • E.g, The label "course_id" and "prereq_id" are called roles

Degree of a Relationship Set

→ # entity sets involved in a relationship set

  • Binary relationship
    • Involves two entity sets (or degree two)
    • Most relationship sets in a database systems are binary
  • Relationships between more than two entity sets are rare but possible
    • E.g, students work on research projects under the guidance of an instructor
    • Relationship proj_guide is a ternary(삼항연산자) relationship btw instructor, student, and project

Non-binary Relationship Sets

  • Most relationship sets are binary
  • There are occasions when it is more convenient to represent relationships as non-binary
  • E-R diagram with a ternary relationship

Complex Attributes

→ hierarchy, functionality of entity

  • Attribute types
    • Simple and composite attributes
    • Single-valued and multivalued attributes
      • E.g., multivalued attributes: phone_numbers → 한 사람이 여러 개의 번호가 있을 수 있으니까
    • Derived attributes
      • attributes that can be computed from other attributes
        • E.g., age, given date_of_birth
  • Domain: the set of permitted values for each attribute

Composite Attributes

→ a way to represent the hierarchy among attributes

  • composite attributes allow us to divided attributes into subparts(other attributes)

Representing Complex Attributes in E-R Diagrams

→ entity set을 이용해서 표현해보쟝

  • { phone_number }
    • set을 포함시킬 수 있다 → multivalued attribute
  • age()
    • 계산하는 함수도 포함할 수 있다.
    • takes the date of birth and returns the current age

c.f) in R-DB tables

  • Not able to represent hierarchy among attributes
  • No lists or sets
  • No functions

Mapping Cardinalities

  • Express the # of entities to which another entity can be associated via a relationship set
    • Most useful in describing binary relationship sets
  • For a binary relationship set the mapping cardinality must be one of the following types
    • One to One
    • One to Many
    • Many to One
    • Many to Many
    → Some elements in A and B may not be mapped to any elements in the other sets

Representing Cardinalities in E-R diagrams

  • Express cardinality constraints by drawing either
    • a directed line (→)
      • signifying "one"
    • an undirected line (—)
      • signifying "many"
      • btw the relationship set and the entity set



  • 1:1
  • 한 명씩만 연결
  • instructor가 한 명의 학생
  • 학생은 한 명의 advisor


  • 교수는 여러 명(0~n)의 학생
  • 학생은 무조건 한 명


  • 교수는 한 명의 학생
  • 학생은 여러명의 advisor


  • Cardinality is an important factor that determines the final DB schema

Total and Partial Participation

→ final DB를 위해서 중요함.

  • Total participation
    • double line
    • every entity in an entity set participate in at least one relationship in the relationship set
    • 전부 다 참여
  • Partial participation
    • some entities may not participate in any relationship in the relationship set
    • 일반적인 경우 (초기조건)

Notation for Expressing More Complex Constraints

  • line; associated min and max cardinality
  • min value of 1; total participation
  • max value of 1; at most one relationship
  • max value of *; no limit

  • 헷갈릴 수도 있으니까 잘보자.
  • 1:many이다.
    • 0..*; min: 0, max: *(unlimited)
    • 1..1; min: 1, max: 1
      • 모든 student는 한 명의 advisor를 갖는다.
      • min 1; total participation

Primary keys in E-R models

  • PK; identifier처럼 동작.
  • entity와 relation구분.
    • Entity sets
    • Relationship sets
    • Weak entity sets

Primary Key for Entity Sets

  • 각각의 entity는 구별.
    • in terms of their attributes
      • uniquely identify the entity
      • No two entities in an entity sets are allowed to have exactly the same value for all attributes
  • key for an entity is a set of attributes
    • suffice to distinguish entities from each other

Primary Key for Relationship Sets

  • individual PKs of the entities를 사용한다.
  • union of the pk도 허용한다.
  • If the relationship set R has attributes a1, a2, ..., am associated with it, then the pk of R also includes the attributes a1, a2, ..., am

Choice of PK for Binary Relationship

  • depends on the mapping cardinality of the relationship set
    • Many-to-Many
      • union of the PKs; min super key
    • One-to-Many
    • Many-to-One
      • PK of Many side
    • One-to-one
      • Pk of either one of the participating entity sets; min super key
        • either one can be chosen as the pk

Weak Entity Sets

→ final DB를 위해서 중요함.

자기 정보를 알려주기 위해 추가적인 정보가 필요한 경우

  • dependent on another entity
    • identifying entity
    • not enough information to identify
  • use the identifying entity
    • discriminator to uniquely identify a weak entity
  • does not have PK
  • Own
    • identifying entity set: an entity set that has a pk
    • identifying entity set = strong entity set
  • Identifying relationship
    • the relationship associating the weak entity set with the identifying entity set
    • DDL

distinguishing among an entity set

  • Discriminator of a weak entity
    • a set of attributes allowing such distinction
  • PK of a weak entity set
    • = pk of a strong entity set + discriminator
  • 자연스럽게 total participation이 된다.
  • pk가 없고 discriminator가 있다.
  • 쌍마름모로 표현

E-R Diagram for a University Database


Ex1. a Record Shop

Ex2. Flight Database



Reduction to relation schemas

연속된 테이블을 그리자

  • Entity sets and relationship sets can be expressed uniformly as relation schemas(DB schemas)
    • assigned the name of the corresponding entity set or relationship set
    • each schema has a number of columns
      • unique names

Representing Entity Sets

  • Table로 만드는 방법
    • entity set → schema, attribute → column
  • strong entity set
    • schema with the same attributes
  • weak entity set
    • a columns for the PK of the identifying strong entity set

Representing of Entity Sets with Composite Attributes

  • flattened out
    • first_name → name_first_name
    • last_name → name_last_name
  • multivalued attributes
    • { phone_number }
      • 테이블 하나 더 만들어서 집합 없애라
      • multiple records in the separate table
      • multivalue에 들어가야 할 내용들을 여러 개의 records로 만들어줌.
    • age()
      • SELECT sysdate - date_of_birth
      • age를 계산, 함수에 해당하는 column X, 그냥 구현만 함.

Representing Relationship Sets

  • many-to-many relationship set
    • the PKs of the two participating entity sets
    • 새로운 테이블을 만들어 준다.
  • many-to-one
    • one-to-many
    • total인 경우; 따로 만들어주지 않고 column 4개의 table을 만든다.
    • total이 아닌 경우; null이 될 수도 있다.
  • one-to-one
    • 둘 중 하나를 골라서 상대방의 PK를 가지고 있으면 됨.
    • relationship을 위한 별도의 테이블은 필요 없다.

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